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The word Vata derives from the  sanskrit and it means « that moves » .
All the movements of the universe are due to Vata or Vayu (to es: when it is not balanced cause tall tides and overflows of lakes and rivers, earthquakes, thunders, confusion of the seasons, irregularity of the crops). The Dhatu Vata presides to the function of the Prana (Vital Energy ) in the organism. The Prana is the first air of the universe and the body, it starts to already interact with the mastication and the swallowing of the food and it gives immediate nourishment to all the vital fabrics of the body. Besides the organism constantly comes revitalized from the natural rhythm of inspiration, expiration and retention that it happens in the respiraton. The activity of the colon is correlated to the respiratory rhythm, it extracts the Prana from the digested food and it spreads it in all the fabrics of the body. The Prana facilitates all the movements toward the inside and toward the outside of the body, it stirs in the region of the heart provoking the pulsation of it, it transports the food in the stomach, it sustains the heart, the veins, the arteries, the senses.

Vata, that is composed from air and space, have a dynamic nature, rule therefore everybody movements that develop him inside the body and it intervene to facilitate the trial of the respiraton. All the physiological trials are checked by Vata. It plays an important role in the operation of the organs of sense and the organs of movement. Also the operation of different inside glands is under its control. Besides it presides to the emotions and the feelings as the freshness, the nervousness, the fear and the pain. In the case of excess and aggravation we find it in accumulation in the bowel, in the pelvic hollow and in the thighs.

The principal center of Vata in the organism is the big bowel (colon) and in general the region of the body under the navel.


it has a thin and light physicist, it is potentially thin with skin shoal, rough, thin and fragile hair, veins and leaning tendons, cold extremity, chestnut or black small eyes, fast in to eat to work and to walk, has however scarce resistance to the work, curtains to the constipation, it is restless, undecided in the choices, anxious with tendency to the worries, spender, with scarce ability to the concentration, inconstant with light or sleepless sleep. You easily thrills but it frequently changes opinion, intuitive, original, it is never firm and he speaks a lot. To the individuals Vata is advisable a creative activity that doesn’t involve the assumption of big responsibilities because the emotional states and of tension they can cause him bad digestion, irritability and tiredness. In fact for Vata tiredness plays a fundamental role being a very fragil constitution with tendency to the easy disequilibrium, even if it very quickly recovers then with a good rest and a suitable routine. Gives the dryness of the skin, he finds benefit from massages with oil of sesamo,

what they have a relaxing effect, he should assume a containing diet the tastes acid, salty, sweet, to consume the meals in a calm environment, serene in regular schedules and to lie down soon the evening. He should listen to relaxing music, to protect very well from the low temperatures since the cold is the true enemy of Vata that is well in warm and moderate climates. It desires the warm one. Its energy is irregular therefore its life is varying and unpredictable.

When the subject Vata is in equilibrium:

it sustains the whole body, it gives joy and enthusiasm, it stimulates the digestive fire, it eliminates the products of refusal, model the embryo and it is responsible of the continuation of the life.

When the subject Vata is in disequilibrium:

anxiety – insomny- constipation  – worry. flatulence. dizziness.
The Pranayama, practices of respiraton, the yoga positions, the meditation, the seasonal therapies of cleaning as the Pancha Karma and the foods that Vatas feed, are all excellent methods for the powerfull of Vata and to maintain the life.

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